miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011


el cantar en el camino al Golgotha (aniquilacion)....
la rendicion.....(pasion)
la humillacion....(contriccion)
la herejia....(Gestas)
el entendimiento en la postrera hora....(Dimas)


"despues de la tormenta llega la calma"....pero...despues de la anhelada calma...vuelve siempre la tormenta.....
El pensar haber alcanzado la paz (calma), es el mas grande peligro (tormenta / tormento).....el creer flotar en nirvana..es nadar en Samsara.....Nadar en la nada....
Ascender es descender...hasta que un dia, al ascender, se tenga la humildad para poder entender que no se esta llegando a nigun lugar..entender que el ascenso no es mas que otra ilusion / desilusion...

Sid-dhartha..Goth-ama...olvidaste decir(me)..que tambien el Budismo...se tornaba agrio (samsara)...ja!.....por seguirte...descendi al mundo....y en lugar de ser iluminado...me envolvi en miedo....me arroje al samsara...y en lugar de lux aeterna encontre tinieblas....terror.....horror....dolor.......


The waters are quiet now
the ocean is dead..
I'm floating in this.....endless sea...
where THAT life is just a memory
....and memories...must die....

Here I just have THAT mind,
the unbreakable tower from where I contemplete the end
how I waste THAT life
being crucified
for THEIR sins

"put yourself out of action
by disconnecting the parts,
put yourself out of action
and then, the enemy will be disarmed"

(staring with my eyes closed / sleeping awake)

how I waste THAT life
trying too fill a cup
that was upside down

"put yourself out of action
by disconnecting the parts,
put yourself out of action
and then, the enemy will be disarmed"
...oh THAT life...THAT life..must die......


DimasGestas: Synths, Voices, Sound design and Sound Manipulation
Juan Camilo Anzola: Drums
Javier Hamon : Guitars

Recorded at:
B-612 (Zipacon, Colombia) by Bernardo Jimenez
Tank Estudio (Bogota, Colombia) by Manuel Borda and Bernardo Jimenez

Mixed by Bernardo Jimenez at B-612

Mastered by Felipe Lopez at
Onda Selecta

Artwork by Sarah Genner

Thanks to the people behind these great Sonic Toys (used on this song):
Ohmicide, Mobilohm and Ohmmoyz by OhmForce,
Delay Lama, Bidule, Metasynth, Claw

thanks as well to all the spirits before/behind/in front of -eLaMoRTe-....all the ones who, along the way, have given to -eLaMoRTe- bits and pieces of their own hearts and vital energy....without them this project would have died long time ago, this journey (sometimes painful, sometimes rewarding) would had come to an end years ago...; they are far too many to mention..but..for this particular release I'd like to extend my gratitude to Manuel Borda (and that great musical vision/direction/advice; that great friend I have in him), Javier Hamon, Juan Camilo Anzola, Monica Morales, Fundacion ProyectoArte, Rafael Jimenez and Carolina Morales (for everything....SonicSisterSoul...Chaos and Control...altogether).

2 comentarios:

  1. El Canto Camino Calvario...o susurros, gemidos, llantos y risas (ironia) en el camino a la aniquilacion/desvanecimiento (golgotha/calavera)....

  2. http://www.ilike.com/artist/eLaMoRTe+%28The+Question%29
